Test Range Booking
Xcalibur Aviation Kauring Test Flights
Kauring 3285+G6M, Kauring, Western Australia, AustraliaCarnamah Test Range – Magspec
Carnamah 8V6P+9RR, Carnamah, Western Australia, AustraliaCarnamah Test Range – MAGSPEC
Carnamah 8V6P+9RR, Carnamah, Western Australia, AustraliaCarnamah
Carnamah 8V6P+9RR, Carnamah, Western Australia, AustraliaSGL Test flight – Breckenridge QC, Canada
Breckenridge, Ontario (Water Start) (SPEC) 7XVH+HH7, Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaNRG Australia-Kauring Test Range (VH-XGU)
Kauring 3285+G6M, Kauring, Western Australia, AustraliaOur AS350 B3 helicopter (VH-XGU) will be flying at a height between 60-80m (AGL) and our testing will take ~7-10 days. Testing Date Range: May 3-12 If you…
EON Geosciences Test Flight
Breckenridge, Ontario (Land Start) (SPEC) 7CRG+4W6, Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaMorewood Ontario Heading Test
Morewood Test Range 13845 Gibeault Rd, Chesterville, Ontario, CanadaAT502B working low level in the Morewood Ontario area for the purpose of a Heading test. Area located 21NM southeast east of Ottawa international airport CYOW and 17NM east of…
Cosmic test over Lake Ontario followed by FOM
AT502B Will be conducting cosmic attenuation flight test over Lake Ontario approximately 5 nm south west of the Kingston airport CYGK between 1500UTC AND 1700UTC (1100EDT 14EDT) the test will…
Xcalibur Ottawa Test Flights
Xcalibur Aircraft N2343x will be flying the Breckenridge Test Area. Contact +1 (613) 738-2655
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM Sep 29, 2024
Breckenridge, Ontario (Land Start) (SPEC) 7CRG+4W6, Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaTerraquest Fly Breckenridge Range Navajo C-FWNE Charles Barrie (647)746-7694