Xcalibur Aviation Carnamah Testing
Carnamah 8V6P+9RR, Carnamah, Western Australia, AustraliaFOM and Cosmic test between West Point and Oakland Nebraska
Air tractor AT502B will be conducting FOM and cosmic test inside the following geographical location 41.76°N/96.49°W 41.77°N/96.67°W 41.90°N/96.68°W 41.91°N/96.46°W 41.76°N/96.49°W
C208 N2343X FOM
C208 Planning to conduct a vfr flight FOM between inside the following coordinate IN Nebraska USA 41.73°N/96.67°W 41.90°N/96.67°W 41.90°N/96.48°W 41.73°N/96.48°W or Uehing Crowell Westpoint oakland between 1330z to 1600z at planned altitude of 11300 asl Departure Aerodrome KBTA pilot will be monitoring 129.95
Morewood Test
Morewood Test Range 13845 Gibeault Rd, Chesterville, Ontario, CanadaOTTAWA FOM
Ottawa FOM
Remaining in confines of the box marked with Lat & Longs.
Kauring Test Range
Kauring 3285+G6M, Kauring, Western Australia, AustraliaA flight will be undertaken over Kauring Test Range by Transparent Earth Geophysics. The aircraft will be VH-KWF (Mooney 201) and will conduct repeat passes over the central line at 2,000 feet AMSL.
CFXAZ – Survey Test
CFXAZ Low level survey 40 NM east of CYOW.
Kauring Test Range
Kauring 3285+G6M, Kauring, Western Australia, AustraliaTest flights over the Kauring Test Range being conducted 14th and 15th March, 2025. Aircraft: Piper Chieftain, VH-DTF Operating altitude: Appx 200m AGL
Kauring Test Range
Kauring 3285+G6M, Kauring, Western Australia, AustraliaTransparent Earth Geophysics will be conducting test flights over the Kauring Test Range on the 14th and 15th March, 2025. Aircraft is a PA-31 Piper Chieftain, VH-DTF Operating altitude will be appx 200m AGL